January 9, 2012

I have failed you again.....

Silence for days... nothing to draw you back here... but I hope I keep you drawn to my facebook page.... to me, that is my baby. And there is a bigger "audience" to whom I can speak to ... which encourages me to write and post quotes every day... I will say I am very excited about going from like 7 followers to where I am now on the blog in such a short time...

I don't think it is what I write that makes folks falter from staying, I think it is the "going through the signing up process" that keeps them from actually STAYING ...I want you to STAY and wake up and think of coming to see me EVERY DAY (well, maybe not everyday, because sometimes I forget this little part of my world- LOL)..

I don't want you to come around JUST on the days when I "might" have an interview and/or "might" be giving something away... I want you here, because I WANT to make a difference in your life... through my writing, my life, my feelings, circumstances... sharing, caring, crying and/or laughing until we are crying together... building lasting frienships... learning more about all of you...THAT, my folks, is what I FEEL the internet is about...or SHOULD be... POSITIVITY!

Yes, I can advertise and do this and that... but I ultimately care... I have a ♥ ... I don't want you here just because you buy things from me...

We are a team, all of us... this is what is needed to get our country in the RIGHT direction... love - of all folks - no matter what religion, race, creed, boting decisions (those are non-important)... sticking together... focusing on the positive... moving FORWARD .. not looking back.. and kicking some a$$ along our way...

It will not be easy and we will have obstacles to overcome... our Mama's taught us that... but we will do it with each other .... side by side... hand in hand... Let's DO THIS!

Love to all.. I appreciate you being here and on the facebook page too.. it means so much to me... I never thought I would be where I am today since I opened my little piece of heaven on Etsy.. and I owe it all to you guys....

Until we meet again ♥♥♥

January 6, 2012


So my GREAT Aunt Pam sent this to me this morning...
And instead of speaking my words to you... I wanted to SHARE these.. for those that have children... it will make your heart... well, you will see... I wish you all a Happy WEEKEND! We made it ! Smooches!
Until tomorrow....(or the next day...lol)

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."

- Elizabeth Stone
(Some of us, like myself, didn't make the decision - it just happened - but it doesn't change how you feel... you are a forever changed person.."

There comes a time in each child's life when they are faced with critical decisions and we, as parents, must sit back in silent witness and observe their choices. We hang intently on the outer edges of their judgment-making processes hoping to get a glimpse of the honesty, empathy, kindness, compassion, respect and responsibility we modeled for them. Children naturally adopt behaviors they observe in us -- we are the example of what they will be in the world. The curiosity of what they will choose often has us questioning our own values and character. Did who we really are speak loudly enough for them to hear? Can they find the same fire within to stand in integrity and light when life is creating a challenging adventure for them? Have our own accomplishments as parents passed the legacy of Wisdom on to our greatest channeling of joy?

Lately I have had a number of conversations with parents that have revolved around this very subject. The moms and dads find themselves having to trust the journey and the heart wisdom of their most precious creation. There is distress and concern that a son or daughter won't have the courage or conscience to make the right choice. I have urged them to remember the depth of commitment they have given to parenting, and while children usually choose the lesser standard of behavior first they eventually come back to the framework they were raised in.

We all learn about what we value through trial and error, so why would it be any different for our children? If you have any doubts about the confidence and truth your child possesses I beg you to get up right now, walk up to your child and stare into his or her eyes. The reflection you see is the Intelligence of the adult they will become. Sure, it may take a while to mature but I guarantee if you blazed a trail of authenticity and were a living example of what you want to see in your children it will show up. It can't not!

Never lose sight of the energy, thoughtfulness and love that is sometimes hidden within a blanket of chaos and denial my friends.

The time will come when your children will clean up their acts and meet their challenges with the allowance of values you have embodied in them.

Remember, our children are the messages we are sending into a future we may never see,

January 5, 2012

Is it a full moon?

Am I missing something? Work, is just like WOW... and I get home... and I am DEAD... either have an appointment here, or an errand to run... I.AM.BEAT!

I am super excited tomorrow is Friday, but the funny thing is ... as women, more work begins for us on the weekend... we get to catch up on all the things we didn't get to do during the week, right? So we spend our weekends cleaning, doing laundry, etc. and BAM - MONDAY... Let's start a petition... Monday or Friday must officially be deemed as part of the weekend.... You game? HAAAAIIILLLLSSSS to the YYEEAAAHHHH!

Tonight I will package.... it is a must... I am so far behind... and I pride myself in shipping quickly, etc... this is so not like me...

I feel bloated and crappy - have not MADE the time to walk (actually a little scared to walk in the dark with all those creepers out there)...

I officially RESIGNED as president of the b*itch and moan club - and look at me... on my pedestal just letting it go.... Why do we make resolutions and quickly stray from them? D*MN GINA!

Anyone else having a week like this, anyone? anyone?

I cannot leave you complaining and ranting and raving.. so here is a little laughter... well, hopefully you BURST OUT LOUD WITH LAUGHTER....excuse the language.. but well folks, that is how I roll......

January 4, 2012

Just because...........

Busy day... busy night... but wanted to leave you with something simple yet profound.... Until the next time we meet..... (hopefully I will have a lot more to say)... just dead beat tired today and have a headache from HAAAAAAAIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!

"In life, we do things. Some things we wish we had never done. Some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads, but they all make us who we are; and in the end, they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them we wouldn't be the person we are today. So just live. Make mistakes, have wonderful memories; but never, ever second guess who you are, where you have been, and most importantly where it is you are going."


"God grant me the serenity... to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can... and the wisdom to know the difference."


January 3, 2012



Started off with sitting in traffic for almost an hour, which for many, can be extremely trying on your nerves.... Then I get to work in such anticipation of my interview with MAIDEN JANE aka JANE ! I couldn't wait to see it actually posted on her blog (which you can find on the right side of my screen - scroll down)... I KNEW it was posting this morning, but the emotional excitement just kept building... ya'll know, like a kid - waiting for Santa ? Yeah, you get the jest...

So I get into work and immediately log on to Facebook and start reading the article... OMG - I am sitting at work BAWLING... literally! I didn't expect the kind words from Jane prior to "my interview" portion.... people don't always express themselves or how they feel about others, and it made my day... "hearing it"... just was what I needed at that exact moment.... I am "needy"... I know, I must get over this, but I am .. I must be reassured... so she "filled" my neediness.... Be sure to tell folks how you feel if it is on your mind... this ain't no dress rehearsal folks....

THEN, I see that another dear friend, Pat @ My Life Under the Bus (also to the right of the blog) also featured my shoppe today... well, folks... the tears just kept coming..... (I had NO idea she had this up her sleeve)...I mean - people at work didn't know what to think.... I am just very emotional lately period... (for personal reasons) and this was just ... well, HELL - THE BEST FREAKIN DAY EVER!

I big shout out to both my friends who took time out of their life to speak of me... to showcase me to their friends, family, and followers... THAT, my folks, is a TRUE FRIEND (both of whom I have NEVER met but through the internet, yet I know I will be friends with until the day I die)...... So thank you both .... I owe you one!

So work was busy.... as all haaaaiiillll....but that is good because the day goes by faster.... then I come home... to more emotion... a card in the mail from someone very important to me... my GREAT "Aunt Pam" (whom folks - you will also find to the right bottom of my blog).... She knows my personal issues at this time and took the time out of her busy life to send a card and WRITE in it ! Folks, we need to do more of this... sometimes email, well it is so impersonal! Pick up the phone and call or WRITE.... it will make someones day - you can hold me to it...


"Don't be afraid.... You needn't slay the beast or scale the ENTIRE mountain... That is NOT HOW IT IS DONE! You only need to move through TODAY....THINK of the distance you have already covered....
FOCUS on your STRENGTHS.... Let each new step remind you of your freedom... Let every breath you take remind you of your power ... Seek out friends and guides... they ARE anxious to help...
YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You ARE understood... this road HAS been walked before...
DANCE life's DANCE....Just a few steps at a time.. and in the wink of an eye... you WILL wonder to yourself... WHAT BEAST? WHAT MOUNTAIN? Was I having a DREAM?"

Pretty powerful stuff, huh? Well, then I open it up... there is a feather (still trying to figure that out - maybe birds of a feather flock together?)... and this HAND-WRITTEN message:

Sometimes a card is in order. The only way out is THROUGH... one day at a time.
I love you,
Aunt Pam

Are tears welling up in your eyes yet? All of this happened today... and is emotionally INCREDIBLE....

I look at my life, my struggles, my dreams, my positiveness, my negatives, my energy, the sunshine people say I spread.... and I feel great.... Today has been a FANTASICAL day...One that goes down in the history books for me.

I hope I have made your day just as great... Thank YOU for being here.. for coming back... for listening even though you TERDS never comment ...LOL...

I still HEART YOU !!!!!!

Until next time....
Smooches and BIG TEXAS HUGS! (Cause that is how I roll...)

January 2, 2012


I have denied you... forgotten you... betrayed you... my followers and my blog... I have been super busy with packing (which, trust me - I AM NOT complaining) and creating that I have not even been online much... sometimes, that is a great thing though, right? (The not being online) Sometimes we must "STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER" and focus on family and what is real around us....

I want to take a moment and bid adieu to 2011 - I really don't think I will miss you... although, that might be bad to say, because all in all - I did have a great year... nothing is perfect in life... NOTHING. I keep hearing folks say.. 2012, please be better than 2011... BUT, if we didn't have 2011, we wouldn't be here where we are today...2011 GOT US TO 2012!!!!!!!!

Did great things happen? Did you learn something new? Did you meet new friends? Did you learn a new trade? Did you doo something great? I could keep going... but you get the jest of it... if you did ANY of these things...... NO REGRETS then 2011 was an OUTSTANDING YEAR... pick out the positive folks.... (I am telling myself this as I tell you all this...)

Live every day... I mean LIVE IT... love those in your life.. embrace all the small things... pay attention to the beautiful things around you (not the materialistic)... BE happy, just BE.... ya'll - this life will be gone before we know it and if we sit here and dwell on the bad, and look forward to a new day and not enjoy the one right here today, we will NEVER be happy.... MAKE EACH DAY A HAPPY ONE... if it is turning out to be a sh*tty one, do what you have WITHIN YOU to end it on a POSITIVE, UPLIFTING one...You DO have the power to do that...

Smile at a complete stranger... tell them hello and/or Happy New Year... hug an animal.. hug a tree (hell, I don't care)..just do something you know will make your day greater....

I used to call myself queen of the b*itch and moan club.. not anymore... I resign as president.. I don't want that position anymore... we gotta get out of this rut we are in... with the economy... the negativity on the news... it is breaking us down folks... and we, as the PEOPLE, have the power to change it...

So - here is to US.. a New Year.. turning a new leaf.... being us... loving ourselves... sticking with goals and/or dreams.... loving others.... spreading love.... can I get a HHAAAIIILLLL YEEAAAHHHHHH?

Thanks for being here... I leave you with inspiration..... Talk soon, ya hear?