December 17, 2011

Learning......Life, My Page... and everything else in between...

So I have been playing around with my blog...I changed EVERYTHING!

WHAT DO YOU THINK? This is really, totally, utterly me! I just want to make sure it is visible to ALL! Not that you care, but I chose the gold lettering to pop the gold frames on the wall.... Oh what I wouldn't give to be in that room - sitting in that chair at this very moment...there is so much other cool stuff in this room, but I had to change the color from transparent to gray so you could read what I am saying ! SO.....MOST IMPORTANTLY, I NEED to know that you can see it okay..... because if you cannot read it, what good am I doing... it is NOT just about me loving it, it is about you "seeing" it!

With that said (the background made me think of escaping - and yes, I am all over the place, but hey, it is what I do~!)...

Do you escape? Whether it be reading a book, watching a movie, drink, eat... whatever. Do you find yourself trying to escape to other places just to forget where you are now, only if for a second? I know I do. I think it is part of human nature... Life can really be difficult at times, very difficult. Sometimes I wonder why we didn't get a manual... then I think, if we got a manual, then we wouldn't be on this crazy, difficult yet amazing ride, right?

We were all put here as individuals to do something great (or to make a difference-change a life), or so I believe. You encounter others for a reason.. you do things for a reason... sometimes it might not make any sense to you at all, or to anyone else for that matter, but things happen for a reason...(Like my car always veering to the thrift store - there IS A REASON - bbwwhhhaaaa)....

That man on the news that just killed his family, then took his own life - that is suppose to be a lesson learned... raising our children (or child in my case) - MAJOR lesson learned and will be a learning experience until the DAY THAT I DIE... meeting a friend online and pouring your heart out to them without ever seeing them in person - another experience - mark it down. Pay every detail, your circumstances, the people that have been placed in your life... think about it - then it might, just might, all make sense.... Life is a lesson learned....

And we have a lot more learning to do... we will NEVER stop learning.... so embrace it... but don't let the day just pass you by... hold on tight... pay attention... learn from it.... make a difference, even if it is just smiling at someone - you never know how that could change their mood ... or experience for that moment - and you could have changed their life....


  1. So I changed to green because I covet it.... matches the wall and brings out the painting in one of the pictures, PLUS it is my favorite color - other than black.... yes, and thank you !

  2. sometimes i want to escape myself. i haven't figured out a way to do that yet.
